Read on to find 21 journaling prompts for working moms to overcome stress and reclaim control.
How to use the journaling prompts:
The first 7 prompts are for busy moms that are new to journaling. If this is you, then these prompts have been specifically designed to be simple and accessible. The idea is that you can be gently introduced to the practice. Or, perhaps you simply just don’t have the bandwidth to process a more complex journal prompt today. On the days when you have limited capacity, but you still want to benefit from the calming effects of journaling, the beginner prompts are perfect.
The next 7 prompts are for moms that have already done a bit of journaling or creative writing. They are slightly more challenging prompts. These prompts encourage more self-reflection, thereby offering deeper insights into your wellbeing.
The final 7 prompts are for those moms that already have an established journaling practice, and are ready to take things to the next level! These prompts invite moms to engage in profound self-reflection and critical thinking, pushing you to explore deeper layers of your stress and wellbeing.
Feel free to pick whichever prompts appeal the most to you. Alternatively, regardless of your confidence or experience with journaling, you could start with the beginner prompts and work your way through!
First, here’s some advice about how you can build a journaling practice into your busy schedule. The frequency of journaling really does depend on individual preferences and what you hope to achieve. There is no amount or duration of journaling that matters- every little helps! However, for busy working moms, here are some recommendations:
How to get started with a regular journaling practice if you are a working mom
1. Start Small: 2-3 Times a Week
- If you’re new to journaling or have a packed schedule, start by doing it between 2-3 times per week. This approach keeps the practice manageable while still allowing you to experience the benefits of reflection and stress relief. Schedule your journaling at a time when it fits best with your lifestyle. If you’re not sure when you have the time, just take a look at your screen time report! Trust me, you do have the time.
- This strategy will help stop journaling from becoming overwhelming, and allows for consistency without feeling like an additional chore.
2. Daily Journaling (5-10 Minutes a Day)
- For those looking to build a routine, a few minutes of journaling each day can become a mindful practice. This doesn’t have to be long or hard work. Everyone can take 5-10 minutes each evening or morning to journal.
- Daily journaling can help you stay more connected to your emotions, track progress, and manage stress more effectively on an ongoing basis. Doing this regularly at the same time each day will help to establish a journaling habit. Habit building is a far more effective method of getting into a regular journaling practice than relying on motivation alone.
3. As Needed
- Some moms may find it helpful to journal in response to specific stressors or emotions. Journaling in this way gives you a flexible, stress-relief outlet without feeling the pressure to write on a set schedule. When I was going through burnout recovery, I journaled regularly on the advice of my therapist. Now that I am recovered, I journal as and when I feel I need to!
- This method allows you to use journaling as a tool for emotional release and clarity whenever you feel overwhelmed, or need space to process a challenge.
Ultimately, the key is consistency rather than frequency. Whether you journal daily or a few times a week, the most important thing is to make the habit work for you and your schedule.
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, has some brilliant advice about how to make journaling a regular habit in this article. He suggests starting to journal by writing a prompt at the top of a page with 31 lines below it. You then write a single sentence for the next 31 days (ie. for a full month). As he says, “once the month is complete, you can look back on 31 beautiful journal entries. The entire experience is designed to make journaling so easy that you can’t help but do it each day”.
Let’s get to the good stuff then! Below are 21 powerful journaling prompts to help working moms to overcome stress, and regain control.
Beginner journaling prompts for working moms to overcome stress and reclaim control.
What made you smile today?
- Reflect on a small moment of joy or something positive from your day.
Write one thing you’re proud of this week
- Acknowledge a small win, no matter how small it might seem.
Identify three things you are grateful for today?
- Gratitude helps refocus on positive aspects of life. The biggest benefits of gratitude come from narrative writing (that’s writing stories), but lists are a simple and accessible way to get started!
What is one small act of self-care you can do for yourself this week?
- Think of an achievable, simple way to care for yourself. Here are some ideas in case you are struggling for inspiration: go for a walk, arrange to meet a friend, do a YouTube yoga class, read the book you’ve been putting off starting, listen to your favourite music on loud, watch an old feel-good favourite TV show on repeat
What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
- Focus on something positive in the very near future.
Who was kind to you today?
- Reflect on a gesture of kindness and how it made you feel.
What is one thing you can let go of today?
- Consider something small you’re holding onto that you can release to reduce stress.
Intermediate journaling prompts for working moms to overcome stress and reclaim control.
What are the top three sources of stress in your life right now, and how do you usually respond to them?
- First, Identify stressors. Next, document your reactions. Go one step deeper (if you like!) and write down an alternative way that you can respond to these stressors the next time they occur.
How can you make time for self-care in a busy schedule? What does self-care look like for you?
- Think critically about your routine and how to integrate more care for yourself. Challenge your ideas about what self care really is.
What would a ‘perfect’ day look like for you? How can you incorporate small elements of that ideal day into your daily life?
- This prompt is about how to bring more joy into your routine. How can you enhance your day with small changes – and really savour it these changes mindfully?
What does feeling ‘in control’ of your life mean to you? When was the last time you felt that way?
- Reflect on the concept of control and when you last experienced it. What did it feel like to experience?
How do you react when things don’t go as planned? What helps you stay grounded during these times?
- Write down your usual response to the unexpected.
Who in your life supports you the most, and how can you lean on them when you need help?
- Identify your support network and how to use it effectively. This is a very useful prompt for those of you that find it hard to ask for help.
How can you set better boundaries in your personal or professional life to protect your time and energy?
- Explore boundary-setting and its impact on wellbeing. If you’re not sure where your boundaries lie, follow the resentment!
Advanced journaling prompts for working moms to overcome stress and reclaim control.
What underlying beliefs or values may be contributing to your current stress levels?
- Dive deep into the root causes of stress and how your mindset might contribute to it. If you’re finding it hard, think about your upbringing and what was important to your parents. Alternatively, identify your values using this list.
Reflect on a time when you felt completely overwhelmed. What did you learn from that experience, and how could you handle a similar situation differently now?
- Look at a past challenge- and the growth that came from it.
What does balance mean to you, and how does it show up (or not show up) in your life?
- Consider the concept of balance in depth and how it aligns with your life’s priorities.
How have your stress levels changed over the last few years, especially with motherhood? How has your perception of ‘success’ or ‘achievement’ shifted?
- Reflect on your long-term changes in stress and life goals. This one is a big prompt and will need longer than 5 minutes to get stuck into it properly.
Keep going! These prompts are designed to be more complex!
Are there areas of your life where you are being too hard on yourself? How can you practice more self-compassion?
- Explore your inner critic and ways to be gentler with yourself. Can you explore ways to challenge your inner critic?
What are some personal narratives or stories you tell yourself that may no longer serve you? How can you reframe them to promote a healthier mindset?
- We tell ourselves stories about our past (and our future) all the time! This prompt will help you to challenge internal stories and reframe them for better wellbeing.
Imagine yourself five years from now, looking back at your current life. What advice would your future self give you about managing stress and maintaining balance?
- This prompt moves you to future-thinking, in order to gain perspective on the present.
These 21 powerful journaling prompts will help you to progressively deepen your self-awareness and reclaim control over your stress levels. Developing a regular journaling practice will ultimately help you build a calmer and more balanced life. Even better, all you need is a pen and paper, and 5 minutes a day to get started!
If you enjoyed this post, then check out this article, which outlines 3 techniques to use in order to stop feeling stuck in your career.